7:45 DF
Impossible List
a bucket list, except better
Impossible what?
The Impossible List is like a bucket list on steroids. The first Impossible List was created by Joel Runyon, and I learned about it by watching one of Thomas Frank's videos.
I liked the idea, so I borrowed it from them.
My impossible list contains goals that would push my personal limits. Although personal, I still would love to share my list with the world to feel more accountable to get stuff on it done!
I might never get to cross off all or even most of the items below, but that's not the point. My goal is to enjoy the process of pursuing all of these aspirational goals!
So this one is quite special.
As a practicing Muslim, it is essential for me to continue growing spiritually just as much as I aspire to grow in other facets of life. It's literally my lifeline!
This is a deeply personal section to share, but in the materialistic world we currently live in, I strongly believe that people need to talk more about faith and spirituality.
This is what this section is about.
Having said that, In Islam, one of the most perilous spiritual diseases is called Riyāa, which roughly translates to showing off (especially religiously). In the context of Islam, Riyāa refers to the act of performing worship with any intention other than the pleasure of Allah Almighty. It is a grave sin and is considered a major form of hypocrisy in Islam.
If one isn't careful with what they share about their spiritual journey, they might easily slip into Riyāa territory, which no one wants.
So I am only sharing this section as a form of spreading good and nothing more. I intentionally will not cross any items off of that list since it's between me and Allah, I am hoping that this list will inspire you to embark on your own spiritual journey insha'Allah.
I hope you'll keep me in your dua' if it does ♥️